About the painter


Member of the Russian Union of Artists.
Born in 1970 in Nalchik.
In 1989 Yuri Pervushin graduated from the Sverdlovsk Art School named after I. D. Shadr.

In 1995 - graduated from the Graphic arts faculty of The St. Peterburg Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture named after Ilya Repin (studio of professor A.A. Pakhomov).
In 1995 - interned at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris (painting studio of prof. B. Piffaretti and engraving studio of prof. J.-P. Tanguy). 
In 1995 - laureate of the contest dedicated to N. Poussin (contest organizers: the Louvre Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Paris and the LVMH Company).
From 2000 - Fellow of the Presidential Fund in Support of Young Culture Professionals. Lives and works in Saint Petersburg.
Since 1990 Yuri Pervushin has participated in more than 100 personal and group exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

The artist’s works are found in museum collections:

  • Benois Family Museum (Peterhof State Museum-Reserve),
  • State Museum of Fine Arts (Yekaterinburg), Contemporary art collection at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall (Saint Petersburg),
  • Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Spain),
  • Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (New Jersey, USA),
  • Municipal Arts Center (Wress, Belgium),
  • House-Museum of M.P. Mussorgsky (Velikie Luki),
  • Vologda State Museum of Fine Arts.

Yuri Pervushin’s artworks are also found in private collections in Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, France, and Finland.

Artworks by Yuri Pervushin are united by the philosophical reasoning about the scale of the universe, every part of which exists according to the same laws. The artist considers that even the microcosm of a fragile flower is no less significant than the macrocosm of an entire galaxy. Developing his concept, the artist depicts a sunflower or a dandelion flower as the universe. Some of Pervushin's artworks recall the shots from the early films of Sakurov or Tarkovsky. Closely, as if under a microscope, the artist studies the objects that surround us in everyday life: fruit and vegetables, toys, brushes, and cans of paint... Yuri Pervushin carefully studies the textures and character of these objects, conveying the tangibility of surfaces and inviting the viewers to immerse themselves in the life of simple things.

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